COVID19 and Contact Tracing

We are excited to start a new TechSequences podcast arc this week: COVID19 and digital contact tracing apps.

As with any epidemic, tracing the contacts of those who have been infected is an important tactic to help contain the reach of the virus. Tracing efforts have to be consistent and constant. Doing the work manually requires skilled personnel, and with the existing reach of the pandemic, it’s challenging to cope with the scope without some digital help. Thus, some form of digital contact tracing is probably inevitable as regions around the globe seek to return to some level of normal business and life activity.

For this pair of podcasts, we look at the potential policy and privacy implications of how contact tracing apps are used, and we have a look at the spread of apps already in use or development around the globe.

The podcasts and planned release dates are:

  • June 10, 2020: COVID19 Contact tracing apps, a fair bargain for public health? with Konstaninos Komaitis
  • June 17, 2020: The 411 on Contact Tracing Apps, with Patrick Howell O’Neill

Follow us to get the notification as soon as they are published!

First Arc: Security and Privacy

Today we launch the first in our series, or arc, of episodes on Security and Privacy! Check out the podcast, at the link below.

In this series of podcasts we examine the relationship between security, privacy, and digital identity. With the help of our distinguished guests we look at how the definition and expectations of security digital identity and privacy have evolved.  We look back at the assumptions underpinning the internet architecture and the consequences of those early decisions on issues facing us today in each of these realms.  We also look at emerging services and technologies (Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Big Data, etc.) to anticipate how they may change our expectations and anticipate the unintended consequences. 

Today’s episode gives you a preview of the whole arc. Be sure to tune in weekly, as the rest of the arc’s podcasts are released:

  • April 29, 2020: Marc Rotenberg
  • May 6, 2020: Suzanne Woolf
  • May 13, 2020: Eve Maler

For today’s episode, click here:

See all the podcasts, here:

It’s alive!

I have a confession to make: we’ve been sitting on some recordings of fun discussions for weeks now, as we’ve been putting the necessary pieces in place to get them out to the world (i.e., this website and podcast hosting). There have been a few distractions along the way — that beer-virus-thing that’s keeping us all at home and yet somehow not making more hours in the day.

But, at last, we are publishing episodes! Click the “Podcasts” link above, or go to . Be sure to subscribe to the RSS feed (and if you already have — please do so again, because the feed has changed).

That brings up the final point: there are some pieces of this that are still a bit creaky, and we’re working on fixes even as we go live. If you see something — say something, especially if you know how to fix it :^) .